9th day of CNY (Chor Gao 初九)
Haizzz, people still in CNY mood la, Me?? Have to go back to college for Music Appreciation Examination! >.< It is SOOOO HARD for me to study when I'm still in the Exam mood! No mood to read at all, keep thinking of CNY only! But, luckily there is still something manage to stay inside my brain larr... >.< But end up the exam is quite ok, hopefully I can score for it! God Bless me please! ;D
And finally on that night, me and kok leong have officially break up... Just don't feel like delaying it for too long...
I called him for that night. I was so calm when I talk in the phone. For me, I think we should break up because both of us can't manage this relation well. And this make us feel disapointed to each other. For him, he choose to break up because he think he is more prefer to be single.
The whole environment is quite harmonie since we break up in a peaceful way. I am glad that we still able to be the bestie for each other. I think this ends in a good way, for me and for him.
Am I sad? Yes, I am. But it is not that sad as I expect I will be. 1 year is not a short period for me, and we have go through so many things together... I know it will be quite hard to draw him out from my heart, but just let it be naturally lar...
In this relation, or should say in every relation, there is no who is right and who is wrong. So I didn't blame him ahh. Even though we had broke up, but he is still a good man to me... And yet, I understand that it is not neccesary to couple with the person even though you love him/her. I think we are able to communicate better if we are friends.
Just want to tell you, thanks for been in my life before, and thanks for the memory you given to me. I really appreciate of what we have done and go through together.
10 months ago
I agree with u, no one is wrong or right.
Brave and strong girl!
Hehe, thx ya! I will! :)
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