Finally, I get to drive alone, without parent's guidance. ^^
Haha, don't ever think that I really good in driving, actually my skills still... umm.. need more practice la! xD Especially PARKING!! WALAU! really don't know how to control the car la.. Aiyo.. so x qualified! xp
This few days also get to drive le, quite happy la... enjoy driving.. But I know after long time I sure lazy to drive la.
God, I pray to u, hope I wont involve in any accidents la. AMEN~ ^^
10 months ago
hihi^^ evryone have their first time...haha... dun worry,u might be a good driver in the future like Jay Chou in the Initial D...haha!
Haha, thx for giving me confidence! Umm, I dun expect to be like Jay Chou la, Just hope that wont involve in accident enough loo~~ Muahaha.. xD
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